ÚRAD PRE REGULÁCIU SIEŤOVÝCH ODVETVÍ (Regulation of Network Industries Office)

Bajkalská 27, P. O. Box 12, 820 07 Bratislava 27


Number: 0172/2024/T                            

Bratislava, 20st December 2023
Document number: 7394-2023-BA

Regulation of Network Industries Office, as the competent authority as per § 9 section 1 letter b) first point and § 9 section 1 letter c) first point of Act no. 250/2012 about regulation of network industries.


for the regulated subject COM-therm spol. s r.o., Miletičova 55, 821 09 Bratislava, IČO: 36 525 782 for the period:

from 1st January 2024 this:

  • variable part of the maximum price of thermal power 0,1330 € / kWh
  • fixed part of the maximum price of thermal power with reasonable profit 275,8352 € / kW

the prices are stated without tax


Regulated subject COM – therm spol. s r.o., Miletičova 55, 821 09 Bratislava, IČO: 36 525 782 invoices the customer with:

  • variable part of the maximum price of thermal power multiplied by the amount of thermal power measured at the site of consumption
  • fixed part of the maximum price of thermal power with reasonable profit multiplied by regulation input at the site of consumption